Ashby working together for a brighter future

A white background with a few lines on it
A woman is standing behind a counter in a store.

Join the Ashby BID Board of Directors

We all as a community all love Ashby and want the best for it. We are no different.

Join the board and let's make a difference together!

Join the Ashby BID team!

There are multiple positions available on the Ashby BID Board, including Board Director roles, and roles within Project groups and BID Community Council. You can find more information about the BID’s strategic aims here and the role requirements here.

Ashby BID is accepting applications for all BID Board positions, note our term ends June 2026, existing Board members are required to step down and be re-elected.

To apply for any of these roles, please download and fill in our Application Form.

Completed forms should be emailed (with a CV included) to

Download the Application Form

Who we are are:

The Ashby BID Board serve voluntarily and are composed to reflect the make up of the BID area in business sectoral terms.  The board of directors are directly accountable to BID levy payers for:

  • Effective delivery of the projects and services as set out in the BID Business Plan
  • Upholding and promoting the BID's vision and objectives

Project groups - each initiative, whether an event or project, has a team of people to bring it to fruition.

BID Community Council represent varied organisations. This council can share their insights, actively participate in community engagement, and speak independently about the work of the Ashby BID.

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Promote Ashby

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Additional Income

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Town Statistics

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Project Delivery

How do we work:

The board meet up once a month to discuss and plan the best strategy's in compliance with the Business Plan by:

  1. Establishing a vision and values
  2. Setting strategy and structure 
  3. Delegating to management
  4. Exercising accountability to members and be responsible to relevant stakeholders 

Collaborative Partners

  • BID Levy Payers
  • Ashby Town Council
  • North West Leicestershire District Council
  • BID Community Council

More Information

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